Make Stuffs.....
A fresh start to an old idea. I have found more time to sew, and do other things I used to like to do. I am so very happy to have my sewing machine out on the kitchen table again waiting to be used. I originally got this idea that I wanted to make a shirt I saw on the fitzpatterns website. It was a batwing shirt, with a waist band. I thought it was the coolest thing, because it was so easy to make. No sewing in a zipper, buttons, pockets, interfacing or sleeves! Yay!
I love to sew, but don't like zippers, buttons, and so on! I prefer to wear tank tops and t-shirts. So, I got out the old sewing machine 2 weeks ago, and had my shirt all cut out and ready to go. Pushed on the pedal, and got nothing from my machine. I was so angry, that I had spent so much time piecing together the pattern I printed(which was 20 pages), cut out the pattern, cut out the fabric, and my sewing machine wouldn't sew! So, I waited for a Saturday, then my son and I made a special trip to Albuquerque with one stop in mind. Wal-mart of course. To my disappointment they only had a few machines on the shelves, and no fabric anymore! Anyhow, I picked a Singer with the hopes that it would at least sew my shirt that was waiting at home.
The one for my daughter I used a pattern. But the two bottom ones I just used an 18x18 inch piece of fabric, and sewed the two sides. The top and bottom don't have rolled edges because of the waist band and the ruffles. They are so very easy to make!
Anyhow, my new interest is to keep this blog for the stuff I sew, jewelry I make, pictures I take, and other goings on in my life.
I love to sew, but don't like zippers, buttons, and so on! I prefer to wear tank tops and t-shirts. So, I got out the old sewing machine 2 weeks ago, and had my shirt all cut out and ready to go. Pushed on the pedal, and got nothing from my machine. I was so angry, that I had spent so much time piecing together the pattern I printed(which was 20 pages), cut out the pattern, cut out the fabric, and my sewing machine wouldn't sew! So, I waited for a Saturday, then my son and I made a special trip to Albuquerque with one stop in mind. Wal-mart of course. To my disappointment they only had a few machines on the shelves, and no fabric anymore! Anyhow, I picked a Singer with the hopes that it would at least sew my shirt that was waiting at home.
I must admit, I am very pleased with the Singer, seeing as how my old machine was a Viking Rose. There are only a few things, that the Rose did that the Singer doesn't. So, a few items sewn later, my daughter wanted an apron. So, we made this one:
And this one:
And this one:And this one:
Anyhow, my new interest is to keep this blog for the stuff I sew, jewelry I make, pictures I take, and other goings on in my life.